
srx-to-srs converts a SRA experiment accession (SRX) to corresponding SRA sample accession (SRS).

Usage and options

$ pysradb srx-to-srs -h

Usage: pysradb srx-to-srs [OPTIONS] SRX_IDS...

  Get SRS for a SRX

  --saveto TEXT  Save output to file
  --detailed     Output additional columns: [run_accession, study_accession]
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

Convert SRA experiment accession (SRX) to SRA sample accession (SRS)

To convert a SRA experiment accession(s) of the form SRXnnnn to its corresponding SRA sample accession of the form SRSmmmmm:

$ pysradb srx-to-srs SRS718880

experiment_accession sample_accession
SRX2189156           SRS1711882

In order to obtain detailed metadata:

$ pysradb srx-to-srs --detailed SRX2189156

Saving metadata to a file

pysradb follows a consistent pattern for providing an option to save output of any of its subcommands to a file using the --saveto argument:

$ pysradb srx-to-srs --detailed --saveto SRX2189156_metadata.tsv SRX2189156