$ pysradb
usage: pysradb [-h] [--version] [--citation]

pysradb: Query NGS metadata and data from NCBI Sequence Read Archive.
Citation: 10.12688/f1000research.18676.1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --citation            how to cite

    metadata            Fetch metadata for SRA project (SRPnnnn)
    download            Download SRA project (SRPnnnn)
    search              Search SRA/ENA for matching text
    gse-to-gsm          Get GSM for a GSE
    gse-to-srp          Get SRP for a GSE
    gsm-to-gse          Get GSE for a GSM
    gsm-to-srp          Get SRP for a GSM
    gsm-to-srr          Get SRR for a GSM
    gsm-to-srs          Get SRS for a GSM
    gsm-to-srx          Get SRX for a GSM
    srp-to-gse          Get GSE for a SRP
    srp-to-srr          Get SRR for a SRP
    srp-to-srs          Get SRS for a SRP
    srp-to-srx          Get SRX for a SRP
    srr-to-gsm          Get GSM for a SRR
    srr-to-srp          Get SRP for a SRR
    srr-to-srs          Get SRS for a SRR
    srr-to-srx          Get SRX for a SRR
    srs-to-gsm          Get GSM for a SRS
    srs-to-srx          Get SRX for a SRS
    srx-to-srp          Get SRP for a SRX
    srx-to-srr          Get SRR for a SRX
    srx-to-srs          Get SRS for a SRX

Getting metadata for a SRA project (SRP)

The most basic information associated with any SRA project is its list of experiments and run accessions.

$ pysradb metadata SRP098789

 study_accession experiment_accession sample_accession run_accession
 SRP098789       SRX2536403           SRS1956353       SRR5227288
 SRP098789       SRX2536404           SRS1956354       SRR5227289
 SRP098789       SRX2536405           SRS1956355       SRR5227290
 SRP098789       SRX2536406           SRS1956356       SRR5227291
 SRP098789       SRX2536407           SRS1956357       SRR5227292
 SRP098789       SRX2536408           SRS1956358       SRR5227293
 SRP098789       SRX2536409           SRS1956359       SRR5227294

Listing SRX and SRRs for a SRP is often not useful. We might want to take a quick look at the metadata associated with the samples:

$ pysradb metadata SRP098789

 study_accession experiment_accession sample_accession run_accession sample_attribute
 SRP098789       SRX2536403           SRS1956353       SRR5227288    source_name: Huh7_1.5 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq
 SRP098789       SRX2536404           SRS1956354       SRR5227289    source_name: Huh7_1.5 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq
 SRP098789       SRX2536405           SRS1956355       SRR5227290    source_name: Huh7_1.5 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq
 SRP098789       SRX2536406           SRS1956356       SRR5227291    source_name: Huh7_0.3 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq
 SRP098789       SRX2536407           SRS1956357       SRR5227292    source_name: Huh7_0.3 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq
 SRP098789       SRX2536408           SRS1956358       SRR5227293    source_name: Huh7_0.3 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq

The example here came from a Ribosome profiling study and consists of a collection of both Ribo-seq and RNA-seq samples. We can filter out only the RNA-seq samples:

$ pysradb metadata SRP098789 --detailed | grep 'study|RNA-Seq'

SRP098789       SRX2536422           SRR5227307    RNA-Seq          SINGLE -
SRP098789       SRX2536424           SRR5227309    RNA-Seq          SINGLE -
SRP098789       SRX2536426           SRR5227311    RNA-Seq          SINGLE -
SRP098789       SRX2536428           SRR5227313    RNA-Seq          SINGLE -

A more complicated example will consist of multiple assays. For example SRP000941:

$ pysradb metadata SRP000941 --detailed  | tr -s '  ' | cut -f5 -d ' ' | sort | uniq -c
999 Bisulfite-Seq
768 ChIP-Seq
  1 library_strategy
353 RNA-Seq
 28 WGS

Experiment accessions for a project (SRP => SRX)

A frequently encountered task involves getting all the experiments (SRX) for a particular study accession (SRP). Consider project SRP048759:

$ pysradb srp-to-srx SRP048759

Sample accessions for a project (SRP => SRS)

Each experiment involves one or multiple biological samples (SRS), that are put through different experiments (SRX).

$ pysradb srp-to-srs --detailed SRP048759

study_accession sample_accession
SRP048759       SRS718878
SRP048759       SRS718879
SRP048759       SRS718880
SRP048759       SRS718881
SRP048759       SRS718882
SRP048759       SRS718883
SRP048759       SRS718884
SRP048759       SRS718885
SRP048759       SRS718886

This is very limited information. It can again be detailed out using the –detailed flag:

$ pysradb srp-to-srs --detailed SRP048759

study_accession sample_accession        experiment_accession    run_accession   study_alias     sample_alias    experiment_alias        run_alias
SRP048759       SRS718878       SRX729552       SRR1608490      GSE62190        GSM1521543      GSM1521543      GSM1521543_r1
SRP048759       SRS718878       SRX729552       SRR1608491      GSE62190        GSM1521543      GSM1521543      GSM1521543_r2
SRP048759       SRS718878       SRX729552       SRR1608492      GSE62190        GSM1521543      GSM1521543      GSM1521543_r3
SRP048759       SRS718878       SRX729552       SRR1608493      GSE62190        GSM1521543      GSM1521543      GSM1521543_r4
SRP048759       SRS718879       SRX729553       SRR1608494      GSE62190        GSM1521544      GSM1521544      GSM1521544_r1
SRP048759       SRS718879       SRX729553       SRR1608495      GSE62190        GSM1521544      GSM1521544      GSM1521544_r2

Run accessions for experiments (SRX => SRR)

Another frequently encountered task involves fetching the run accessions (SRR) for a particular experiment (SRX). Consider experiments SRX217956 and SRX2536403. We want to be able to resolve the run accessions for these experiments:

$ pysradb srx-to-srr SRX217956  SRX2536403 --detailed

experiment_accession run_accession study_accession sample_attribute
SRX217956            SRR649752     SRP017942       source_name: 3T3 cells || treatment: control || cell line: 3T3 cells || assay type: Riboseq
SRX2536403           SRR5227288    SRP098789       source_name: Huh7_1.5 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq

Experiment accessions for runs (SRR => SRX)

For fetching experiment accessions (SRX) for one or multiple run accessions (SRR):

$ pysradb srr-to-srx SRR5227288 SRR649752 --detailed
run_accession study_accession experiment_accession sample_attribute
SRR649752     SRP017942       SRX217956            source_name: 3T3 cells || treatment: control || cell line: 3T3 cells || assay type: Riboseq
SRR5227288    SRP098789       SRX2536403           source_name: Huh7_1.5 µM PF-067446846_10 min_ribo-seq || cell line: Huh7 || treatment time: 10 min || library type: ribo-seq

Downaloading entire project

$ pysradb metadata --detailed SRP098789 | pysradb download

GEO accessions for studies (SRP => GSE)

$ pysradb srp-to-gse SRP090415

study_accession study_alias
SRP090415       GSE87328

But not all SRPs will have an associated GEO id (GSE):

$ pysradb srp-to-gse SRP029589

study_accession study_alias
SRP029589       PRJNA218051

SRA accessions for GEO studies (GSE => SRP)

$ pysradb gse-to-srp GSE87328i

study_alias study_accession
GSE87328    SRP090415

Please see quickstart for all possible operations available through pysradb.