
metadata outputs a metatable for a SRA study accession (SRP).

Usage and options

$ pysrab metadata -h

Usage: pysradb metadata [OPTIONS] SRP_ID

  Fetch metadata for SRA project (SRPnnnn)

  --saveto TEXT  Save metadata dataframe to file
  --detailed     Display detailed metadata table
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

Obtaining metadata for SRA study accession (SRP metadata)

To obtain concise metadata for a SRP ID, we can use metadata. The default metadata returned includes:

  • experiment accession (SRX)

  • sample accession (SRS)

  • run accession (SRR)

$ pysradb metadata SRP026005

study_accession experiment_accession sample_accession run_accession
SRP026005       SRX305245            SRS444476        SRR900108
SRP026005       SRX305246            SRS444467        SRR900109
SRP026005       SRX305247            SRS444468        SRR900110
SRP026005       SRX305247            SRS444468        SRR900111
SRP026005       SRX305248            SRS444470        SRR900112
SRP026005       SRX305249            SRS444471        SRR900113
SRP026005       SRX305250            SRS444472        SRR900114
SRP026005       SRX305250            SRS444472        SRR900115
SRP026005       SRX305251            SRS444473        SRR900116
SRP026005       SRX305251            SRS444473        SRR900117
SRP026005       SRX305252            SRS444474        SRR900118
SRP026005       SRX305252            SRS444474        SRR900119
SRP026005       SRX305253            SRS444475        SRR900120
SRP026005       SRX305253            SRS444475        SRR900121

In order to subset only RNA-seq experiments, you can do this simple operation:

$ pysradb metadata SRP098789 --detailed| grep 'study|RNA-Seq'

Getting more detailed metadata

A major chunk of metadata information is still hidden by default. For example, how long are the reads for each experiment? Is the sequencing run single end or paired end? Detailed metadata can be obtained by adding the --detailed flag:

$ pysradb metadata SRP098789 --detailed

Saving metadata to a file

pysradb follows a consistent pattern for providing an option to save output of any of its subcommands to a file using the --saveto argument:

$ pysradb metadata --detailed --saveto SRP098789_metadata.tsv SRP098789