Source code for pysradb.geodb

"""Methods to interact with SRA"""

import gzip
import os
import re
import sys

from .basedb import BASEdb
from .utils import _get_url
from .utils import copyfileobj
from .utils import get_gzip_uncompressed_size

PY3 = True
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    PY3 = False

GEOmetadb_URL = ""

[docs]def download_geodb_file(download_dir=os.getcwd(), overwrite=True): """Download GEOmetadb.sqlite file. Parameters ---------- download_dir: string Directory to download SRAmetadb.sqlite overwrite: bool overwrite existing file(s). Set to True by default. """ download_location = os.path.join(download_dir, "GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz") download_location_unzip = download_location.rstrip(".gz") if os.path.isfile(download_location) and overwrite is False: raise RuntimeError( "{} already exists! Set `overwrite=True` to redownload.".forma( download_location ) ) if os.path.isfile(download_location_unzip) and overwrite is False: raise RuntimeError( "{} already exists! Set `overwrite=True` to redownload.".format( download_location_unzip ) ) try: _get_url(GEOmetadb_URL, download_location) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Could not use {}.\nException: {}.\n".format(GEOmetadb_URL, e) ) print("Extracting {} ...".format(download_location)) filesize = get_gzip_uncompressed_size(download_location) with, "rb") as fh_in: with open(download_location_unzip, "wb") as fh_out: copyfileobj( fh_in, fh_out, filesize=filesize, desc="Extracting {}".format("GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz"), ) print("Done!") db = GEOdb(download_location_unzip) metadata = db.query("SELECT * FROM metaInfo") db.close() print("Metadata associated with {}:".format(download_location_unzip)) print(metadata)
[docs]class GEOdb(BASEdb): def __init__(self, sqlite_file): """Initialize SRAdb. Parameters ---------- sqlite_file: string Path to unzipped SRAmetadb.sqlite file """ super(GEOdb, self).__init__(sqlite_file) self._db_type = "GEO" self.valid_in_type = ["GSE", "GPL", "GSM", "GDS"]
[docs] def gse_metadata(self, gse): """Get metadata for GSE ID. Parameters ---------- gse: string GSE ID Returns ------- metadata_df: DataFrame A dataframe with relevant fields """ return self.query("SELECT * from gse WHERE gse='{}';".format(gse))
[docs] def gsm_metadata(self, gsm): """Get metadata for GSM ID. Parameters ---------- gsm: string GSM ID Returns ------- metadata_df: DataFrame A dataframe with relevant fields """ return self.query("SELECT * from gsm WHERE gsm='{}';".format(gsm))
[docs] def geo_convert(self, from_acc): """Convert one GEO accession to other. Parameters ---------- from_acc: string GPL/GSE/GSM accession ID Returns ------- mapping_df: DataFrame A dataframe with relevant mappings """ return self.query( "SELECT * FROM geoConvert WHERE from_acc='{}';".format(from_acc) )
[docs] def gse_to_gsm(self, gse): """Fetch GSMs for a GSE. Parameters ---------- gse: string GSE ID Returns ------- mapping_df: DataFrame A dataframe with relevant mappings """ return self.query("SELECT * FROM gse_gsm WHERE gse='{}'".format(gse))
[docs] def gsm_to_gse(self, gsm): """Fetch GSE for a GSM. Parameters ---------- gsm: string GSM ID Returns ------- mapping_df: DataFrame A dataframe with relevant mappings """ mapping_df = self.query("SELECT * FROM gse_gsm WHERE gsm='{}'".format(gsm)) return mapping_df.loc[:, ["gsm", "gse"]]
[docs] def guess_srp_from_gse(self, gse): """Convert GSE to SRP id. Parameters ---------- gse: string GSE ID Returns ------- srp: string SRP ID """ results = self.query('SELECT * FROM gse WHERE gse = "' + gse + '"') if results.shape[0] == 1: supp_file = results["supplementary_file"][0] if supp_file: splitted = supp_file.split(";") if len(splitted): match = re.findall("SRP.*", splitted[-1]) if len(match): srp = match[0].split("/")[-1] return srp return None