
Starter code for the Duke project

Cathulhu Planner User Guide

Cathulhu Planner is a task manager based off the Duke Project https://github.com/nus-cs2103-AY1920S2/duke. This planner offers better efficiency for users who prefer using a Command Line Interface (CLI). The simplistic gui design undoubtedly attracts all who loves Cathulhu and shoebills. Image of Cathulhu Planner UI


Feature 1

You can add three different kinds of tasks: Todo, Deadline and Event for Cathulhu to track for you.


Command Parameters Description
todo description Adds a todo Task with description for Cathulhu to Track.
deadline description /byby Adds a deadline Task with description for Cathulhu to Track. by notes the deadline time, in the format yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm]
event description /atat Adds a deadline Task with description for Cathulhu to Track. at notes important details about the event such as venue and participants.

Example of usage:

deadline test deadline /by 2020-02-02 10:00

Image of feature 1

Feature 2

View tasks in a list, mark a task as done,and delete a task.


Command Parameters Description
list   Lists down all the tasks Cathulhu is currently tracking.
done task id Marks the task with task id as done.
delete task id Deletes the task with task id.

Example of usage:


Image of feature 2a

done 1

Image of feature 2b

delete 1

Image of feature 2c

Feature 3

Find tasks with find and modify a task with update.


Command Parameters Description
find search keyword Searches and lists down all tasks that contains the search keyword
update task id parameter1=updated value1,parameter2=updated value2,… Updates the entered parameters of the task with task id.

Example of usage:

find test

Image of feature 3a

update 0 done=true, description=updated test deadline

Image of feature 3b

Feature 4

Terminate the program with bye

Example of usage:


Image of feature 4